Forums - Magneto's hyper grav xx tempest Show all 26 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Magneto's hyper grav xx tempest ( Posted by MilkMan on 06:28:2001 07:26 AM: Magneto's hyper grav xx tempest Anyone have any easier ways of doing magneto's typical air combo? (launch, sj.lp, sj. lk,,, hyper grav xx tempest). Is there like a certain time to start doing the f, fd, d, bd, b during the kicks and punches? Or do i just leave the stick neutral until the last kick hits, then do the motion? Or anyone have any easier ways? I will give you a free glass of milk. Posted by Goku on 06:28:2001 07:35 AM: Practice it by just going at it like you're trying to do "lp lk lp lk hypergrav". Then the instant u do hyper-grav, cancel to a tempest. It's sloppy and doesn't work all the time, but it's a good way to get your tempests back. Posted by GeekBoy on 06:28:2001 08:17 AM: A popular trick is to hold forward while performing the air combo, then just moving it back, press kick, and move it forward, press KK and you should get it. The Tempest combo relies more on accuracy than speed, because if you can't get the Hyper Grav comboed in, it's not worth it, take it slow and you'll eventually get the feel to do it everytime. Posted by Nate X Grey on 06:28:2001 09:43 AM: Try holding uf on the stick and hitting lp, lk, mp, roll stick to down+mk, roll stick to back+kick again for hypergrav XX semi circle forward kk. It always works for me. Like 99/100 times. Posted by yashugan on 06:28:2001 12:37 PM: Does it make a difference which kick button you use for the Hyper Grav ? I can do Hyper Grav XX Tempest fine when im just standing on the ground but in an air combo, the enemy always falls after the connects. Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 06:28:2001 03:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by yashugan Does it make a difference which kick button you use for the Hyper Grav ? I can do Hyper Grav XX Tempest fine when im just standing on the ground but in an air combo, the enemy always falls after the connects. It doesn't matter whether you use Roundhouse or Short Hypergrav, they both work in the tempest combo. Posted by MilkMan on 06:29:2001 01:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy A popular trick is to hold forward while performing the air combo, then just moving it back, press kick, and move it forward, press KK and you should get it. The Tempest combo relies more on accuracy than speed, because if you can't get the Hyper Grav comboed in, it's not worth it, take it slow and you'll eventually get the feel to do it everytime. When do i start rolling the stick down wards to the half circle back? Cuz when i do it at dif times, it sometimes releases the hyper grav too early or i dont do the super in time... Posted by MilkMan on 06:29:2001 01:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Try holding uf on the stick and hitting lp, lk, mp, roll stick to down+mk, roll stick to back+kick again for hypergrav XX semi circle forward kk. It always works for me. Like 99/100 times. Do i do, lp, lk, mp, (pause for a bit for my stick to reach down) then mk? Posted by Marvarapper on 06:29:2001 04:33 AM: you can OTG short roundhouse hyper grav XX MT Posted by Nate X Grey on 06:29:2001 10:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by MilkMan Do i do, lp, lk, mp, (pause for a bit for my stick to reach down) then mk? No pauses. You just coincide your button pressing speed with your joystick motions. Posted by Vermilion-GA on 06:29:2001 10:28 AM: Most importantly (don't blast me for saying this. This is a mistake I've seen a lot of people make), don't wait for the Hyper Gravs to connect before you execute the Tempest. The trick is to get the Gravs to pull the opponent into the Tempest, and to do that, you have to 2-in-1 them. Also, don't think about the Gravs motion while doing your aerial rave. Do it, but don't think about it. It's extremely hard to explain but thinking too much really hurts the timing. Keep trying, you'll get it. -Pat Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:29:2001 11:37 AM: Just practice it your way and eventually you will get your way working, and it should come out every time. After a while, you just won't think about the motions and it just comes out. Ahhh, can't explain. Just go practice it if you are having troubles with it. Posted by XDaNnYbOyEe on 06:29:2001 04:08 PM: a magnus-player's worst nightmare is a good masher(ricky ortiz 90% mash!). so wut u need to do is make tighter tempest combos. to do dat, da concept is pretty easy to understand. u want da grab to pull da opponent into da tempest. i found an easy way to do it. i launch, lp lk mp mk roundhousehypergrab xx tempest. but my roundhousehypergrab xx tempest is two motions. most people juss swing da stick back den forth. but dis creates a delay cuz da opponent is so close from u dat da grab pulls dem and holds dem until ur tempest finally comes out. by using da twomotion method, da grab comes out delayed. so a opponent is farther when da grab gets dem, and by da time da opponent is pulled into u, ur tempest is already out. newayz dat works for me. Posted by MilkMan on 06:30:2001 06:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy A popular trick is to hold forward while performing the air combo, then just moving it back, press kick, and move it forward, press KK and you should get it. The Tempest combo relies more on accuracy than speed, because if you can't get the Hyper Grav comboed in, it's not worth it, take it slow and you'll eventually get the feel to do it everytime. At what point do i start rolling the stick down to the back? And do i go the same speed back to forward as i did going back, cuz if i go too fast forward, the super comes in too fast and i hear magneto saying hyper magnetic tempest. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 06:30:2001 06:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by XDaNnYbOyEe a magnus-player's worst nightmare is a good masher(ricky ortiz 90% mash!). so wut u need to do is make tighter tempest combos. to do dat, da concept is pretty easy to understand. u want da grab to pull da opponent into da tempest. i found an easy way to do it. i launch, lp lk mp mk roundhousehypergrab xx tempest. but my roundhousehypergrab xx tempest is two motions. most people juss swing da stick back den forth. but dis creates a delay cuz da opponent is so close from u dat da grab pulls dem and holds dem until ur tempest finally comes out. by using da twomotion method, da grab comes out delayed. so a opponent is farther when da grab gets dem, and by da time da opponent is pulled into u, ur tempest is already out. newayz dat works for me. Yeah I agree with that. Doing the rk is actually easier than using the lk. And they usually can't mash out of it. Posted by Murakumo on 07:01:2001 12:39 AM: I actually find that using the mk (?) hyper grav works better... me myself, I use three hits before it... which i think makes the hypergrav mk... but I always use the lk button for it in the air... / \ lp,lk,mp,qcf+mk,xx,qcf+kk (flows better for me) However... on the ground when I put it in combos down there I always use the hk for some reason... I think just the lk lets me connect it easier in the air. ~Murakumo Posted by MilkMan on 07:02:2001 06:09 AM: Im still having trouble doing mag's air combo tempest. i can do it 4/5 times on training mode, but when i play against someone, i always mess up. Posted by soup or man on 07:02:2001 06:19 AM: well since you can do it 4/5 times in training mode, stop playing training mode. You have to do it in real play to get any better. Posted by MilkMan on 07:02:2001 06:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by soup or man well since you can do it 4/5 times in training mode, stop playing training mode. You have to do it in real play to get any better. But i can NEVER do it at all. maybe 1/15 tries or something low like that. and it gets frustrating to hafta wait til my super meter comes back up and tryin to re launch them again to try it. just frustrating. Posted by Charlie Goblyn on 07:02:2001 03:56 PM: dude dont be afraid of trying the combo during normal play it wont always work at first but at least youll get the hang of it and eventually think of something new on your own. believe me before i couldnt play for shit but little by little i let go of fear and played human opponents while attemping his combos and let me tell u... i now have a very mean magneto... now if only i could eliminate cpt. commando (goddamn anti-rushdown fuck!!!) Posted by Murakumo on 07:02:2001 05:03 PM: My friend used to easily beat my teams with his Cable/Storm/Commando team... now I've started using magnus and te only way he can keep me off of his Cable or storm is whith that assist... on my team (look at my avatar... used to be IronMan/Sentinel/Psylocke) I simply replaced IronMan with Magneto eliminating almost all of the few weakness the team seemed to have. Anyways... what I'm saying here is how to take out CapCom with mags (at least how I do it) If cable is in before CapCom (likely 'cause people mainly use him just for his assist), then I just try and bait CapCom once when I have a free oppurtunity to move in and rush Cable down real quick for a nice combo into a snapback ( ShadyK style!) . Make sure the Snapback is the one that will send CapCom in... with no Cable AAA now to back him up... and just being CapCom I rush him down and end up killing him in usually just a few seconds. After this, you're free to rush down Cable like hell (or whatever other character you're facing for that matter... often Cable though) Anyways, just combo the snapback in and kill CapCom and if they DHC to get him out... they've wasted two bars... if they tag out... free combo. ~Murakumo Posted by Maniac on 07:02:2001 06:01 PM: Murakumo, What you said is about correct. Doing three hits before the hypergrap instead of 4 hits does more damage to the character. It is easier to use the HK hyper grap when you do the three hits as well. Maniac I would also say the HK version of hypergrap is better because if you do the tempest and you know it's going to miss, have Storm as part of your team, you can cancel the missed tempest into Storm's Hail storm and it will hit the character who is still caught in the hypergrab. Posted by mixup on 07:02:2001 06:25 PM: I've played around with the tempests for a while and i seriously think that as a combo the hypergrabXXtempest is horrible, it's not even a true combo. A sure fire way to land a tempest is with psylocke on your team and it even sets up reset damage combos. with magneto you launch/\,air dash df(hold df)wk,wk,now re-jump(hold df still)wp,wk(call psylocke)wp,tempest. If you want reset damage options do the infinite(set-up with launch,, air dash down, wk,wk, and re-jump wp,wk,wp,repeat) into the corner and call psylocke there,tempest, now wk,fkXXhypergrab,launch,pause a second,jump up and throw them with fp into the corner,on the way down hit them with wk,wk,land and call psylocke,jump up and wk,wk again(psylocke hits)tempest.If they aren't dead yet you can dhc storms hail storm for more damage.Its really hard for me to explain those because my grammar is bad, if you didn't get just what i meant just ask. Posted by Caoboi on 07:02:2001 09:03 PM: Personally,I prefer executing the tempest combo with the HK hyper grav, since its easier to get the rhythm. This particular combo takes a long time to perfect, so don't get discouraged. It's really not about which button sequence is better, it's about timing and rhythm. Another note, sometimes it matters which machine you play on, since not all machines respond the same way. At this certain Tilt where I live, the MVC2 machine has a horrible case of laggy buttons and a worn out stick, which makes timing-critical moves like the Magnetic Tempest Combo and the Iron Man Infinite nearly impossible to pull off. But when I go to UT at Austin, the machine there responds perfectly and I can pull off the tempest combo with ease. But basically, its all about timing and rhythm, and you can't get those unless you keep practicing. Posted by Sicx on 07:02:2001 09:43 PM: The first time i learned this i would look at my hands , it seemd to work for me, then after i got it, i could just do it without looking.....My 2CENTS Posted by SuperZenten on 08:14:2001 12:33 AM: Magneto's hyper grav xx tempest I always use the roundhouse hyper grav then do the magnetic tempest.It comes out more faster that way.The lk version travels more slower. But a easy to do it is to roll the joystick or d-pad from f,df,d,db,b, rk then roll it from d,df,f,kk.It should work.Practice it in the ground first then try it in the air.Make sure that Magneto doesn't do a roundhouse kick cause sometimes that happens to me. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:19 PM. Show all 26 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.